Tuesday 25 August 2009

Request for High Quality Images and New "Online Only" Attribute

When you're considering purchasing an item online, it's helpful to know what that product looks like, with as much visual detail as possible. Images that are very small, like thumbnail pictures, don't help customers as much as larger images that show more product detail. While a small image is better than no image at all, we'd like to ask that when submitting a product feed, you include links to the largest images you have. (We prefer images that are at least 300x300 pixels, but please don't re-size the image to be larger - just send us the highest-quality original you have.)

Additionally, as we begin to experiment with showing local store locations in Product Search, we want to make sure we're using the most accurate information. For that reason, we've added a new optional attribute to our Feed Specification. The new "online only" attribute is used to indicate items that are only available for purchase online, and not available for purchase in-store or for in-store pickup. For more details on formatting the "online only" attribute, please see the Feed Specification. If you have local store locations and are not yet submitting those to Google Product Search, please follow the directions in this blog post.

Posted by Janna Salinas, Google Base Support

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